Monday, September 27, 2010


tuesday will be the last day of my first semester. clock is ticking very fast even i couldnt notice that im already 4 month here. damn i hope that i already do the best for my past 2 papers. wish me luck plis :)

p.s, i miss u so damn much

Friday, September 24, 2010


just back then i have found three sweetheart which i think very important to me. i do care of three of them but now i do not pay so much attention to them. in a week i can fuck both them. damn i am good. i am being nice to two of them but they are not going easy with me. they always make me tired and after doing with them i feel very tired. what a bitch. HAHA. however, i will fuck one that i not fuck anymore because it seems to be the most important all the way. damn i will like it if i can do it nice in straight in three hour. i cant wait for it to finish but i am very nervous bout it. i scared that i cant stand with all the pressure that will be put on me. haha. so i will practice very hard just to satisfy both of us. damn i can wait and i hoping that it will finish faster. three in two weeks? nice me rite. if i can do it well i can see them again. if not i am so gonna fuck myself. so please be nice to me three of you. plisss. i promise i will train harder just to make it happen

p.s, fuck u CHEMISTRY MATH and PHYSICS haha. this foundation program is hard enough. HAHA. bukan orang okay. subject aje. haha

Monday, September 20, 2010


there is a very pleasant side of you the side i much prefer, one that, LAUGH and JOKES around
but sad enough to say that i MISS u :(
and i am going crazy for the moment i MEET u
but when i think of you i don't feel so ALONE
because you are the only EXCEPTION :)

p.s, jiwang lately. haha

Sunday, September 19, 2010


smoking, loud music and mountain dew can prevent it.
smoking can cause cancer
loud music can hurt your ear
excessive mountain dew can cause diabetes
so, what should i do?
i pick smoking :)


i wanna say that i do love you and i know that you love me too. but the truth is quite hurting me even though i can accept it. it is not your fault because i know that you will never do something like that. i never change my perspective on you and please don't think that i not love you anymore. i live for you and willing to die for the same reason. however you have someone that really love you more than i do, i think so. now he is everything to you. i hope that you two can get together and nothing cant stop both of you. you two looking cute together and i admit that you and he can be such a very sweet couple. so do forget me and keep loving him. actually i wanna be with you because i know that i can make it. but i am not the one for you. always take care and be the best. you are the only girl that can make my heart beat faster. you know that kan. i felt like i never can let you go and i hate that we will be apart. but that can be a process for me to get over you and for you to learn how to love him more. please forget me because i love you so much. please don't think about me because i miss you. you are everything to me and it always do. and plus i don't deserve you because i think i am bad enough. i always pray that you and he will always be together okayy :)

this post is the only way i can express myself and no offence is made. i cant tell you this through the phone because i afraid that i will cry and i know you hate to hear me cry kan sayang :).  always be happy so that i will always happy. above all, it is hard to take you off my heart because you already going deep into my heart. i will try it slowly. you take care and please please please forget me if you love me. the point is not that i did not love or don't want to be with u anymore after i heard the story but it is better u be with him because he can take care of you. seriously i am just fine and no heart feeling please because this is just what my heart says it is good to be. take care sayang :) what ever it takes we are still friend :):)

p.s , cant stop crying :'(

Sunday, September 5, 2010


yes, i do love u n i hope u noe dat oke sygg. haha. when we are far apart and we dun have so much time to be together, just take care and stay the same okay. dun worry about me coz u noe dat our heart beat at the same time and once when mine stop beating  u will know that :). u are so amazing and i am so into u sygg. smile when u think bout me and laugh when u need me. u will always be in my head and i never forget u. and remember that u are amazing just the way u are.

heart u :)

p.s, dont stop smiling when u read this everytime u miss me. haha <3

Saturday, September 4, 2010


hurm, bace dan faham okay. aku juz terbace mende neh n tersedar yang banyak lagi benda yang kita tatau but buat buat tau. urm,

1. Kita diajar dalam buku biologi, buku pemakanan (kajian dan terbitan para kafir ni) bahawa kalau nak dapat vitamin B dan kalau nak tambah darah kita kena makan hati haiwan dan hati ayam. tetapi sebenarnya Nabi kita tidak menggalakkan pemakanan organ dalaman. Nak ikut kafir ke nak ikut nabi kita? Sebenarnya makan hati ayam dapat melembabkan otak kita sbb hati merupakan organ dimana semua toksin akan dikumpulkan dan dineutralkan. so kepekatan toksin adalah tinggi di hati ayam. makanlah kita toksin tersebut serta bengaplah otak kita umat Islam sebab percaya buku sains keluaran kafir ini.

2. Kita diajar dalam sains bahawa kopi tidak bagus untuk kesihatan. Namun sebenarnya kopi adalah antara minuman kegemaran Nabi kita selain susu dan madu. Cuba tengok Yahudi, mereka minum kopi, Starbuck. Profesor di UK yang Yahudi semua ada segelas kopi dit tangan mereka.

3. Kita diajar memakan kambing tinggi kolesterol, namun kambing juga adalah makanan Nabi kita. Seolah-olah buku sains ni nak merendahkan pemakanan Nabi kita. Sebenarnya daging kambing adalah daging paling kurang kolesterol.
4. Kita diajar bahawa makan McDonalds adalah bagus, namun sebenarnya McDonalds adalah makanan yang sangat tinggi MSG dan kolesterolnya dan paling banyak lemak tepu trans.

5. Para kafir ni juga menggalakkan kita minum dan makan makanan yang langsung tak berkhasiat, contohnya coke dan maggi. Coke tu sangatlah beracun, pastu sangat tidak bagus untuk kesihatan (gula tinggi, berasid, pH dalam lingkungan 3.5, ada racun tersembunyi). Dan para Melayu kita juga yang ketagih minum.

6. Untuk pengetahuan, para kafir agen dajjal ni gak mengwar-warkan kebaikan minum soya (sebab USA merupakan pengeluar soya terbesar), namun sebenarnya soya dapat melemahkan kejantanan lelaki dan mengurangkan kesuburan lelaki dan perempuan. selain itu juga soya dapat meningkatkan risiko kanser payudara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat, serta melemahkan otak dan tulang sbb dalam soya ada hormon estrogen yang sama dgn estrogen kat wanita. pastu soya ada phytic acd yang membuatkan penyerapan kalsium, magnesium dan zinc yang penting untuk badan kita terjejas.

Secara kesimpulannya para kafir agen dajal ni bukan setakat melemahkan kita dari segi lain namun secara pemakanan kita jua.

renung renungkan dan selamat beramal beb.

p.s, the title of this post also agak bangang coz rahsia kompem la disembunyikan kan. haha 

Friday, September 3, 2010


hey there once again aku renew blog aku. haha. bila terase bosan dan berada dalam kelaparan mmg sesuatu yang lain dari yang lain menjadi sasaran. so sasaran aku kali ini adalah menulis blog. haha pelik kan. 2 bijik blog lame ak dah dilupakan kut. haha. mls nk pikir ape password lame so aku renew je abis cerita. tapi cerita ak ta akan habis lagi sebab perjalanan hidup ini masih panjang dan banyak lagi tanggungjawab yang akan dipukul later kan. haha.

p.s, shut up u bitches. haha