Saturday, April 23, 2011

maharaja lawak

malas la nak isi gambar gambar. hehe, tapi aku nak cakap yang maharaja lawak memang fenomena lah kan. dapat tgk stand up comedian malaysia beb. memang terbaik. memang lah bukan semua lawak, tapi ade kreatifnye bhaii. lagi best dari akademi fantatsia tu. ouh mak ai den nak koba ni ha, dload la video maharaja lawak eh, den suko nabil, sepah, jozan ngn jambu. mmg x pernah lagi aku tgk tak tergelak. gelak golek golek atas speaker. huehuehue

Monday, April 11, 2011


right now i can feel all the disturbing emotions mixed together in my fucking mind. this is totally not what i expecting for. i never felt like this before, the giving up feeling. feel like the whole world just collapse in front of your eyes. yeah, i think all my dream and hope had gone away. just like that. POOF ! gone bitch ! ouh fuck. i need someone to talk to i think. i hope that I've being hit by a car and gone into a comma for a fucking whole year. depressed is the one and only word that can describe me right now. all the dilemma and such, so fucked up dude. screwed up and all the same bad meaning words. ouh god please help me. i need YOUR help YOU almighty. even though i felt like the whole world is turned upside-down, but still YOU can help me to figure it out yeah. bring me all the positive thinking and help me being optimistic.I know this is not the end of the world. Thanks syiraa for the advice.


Sunday, April 10, 2011


Ketika 1 pintu kebahagiaan tertutup. ,pintu lain akn terbuka. .tp sering kali kita terpaku TERlalu lama pd pintu yg tertutup shingga tdk melihat pintu lain yg terbuka bg kita

so jadi lah gay 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

den ado cerito ni haaaa

aku dapat kerja dah. yeay ! baru balik rumah sehari dah ade org nak bagi kerja. ouh mak ai, nampak sangat la yang aku ni mmg berwawasan. kerja x de lah class mana pon kerja kantin skolah je. skolah rendah lagi tu. 

haa beratur dik, karang kaki ni adik makan.

tgk la macamana aku kerja esok. diharapkan x lama lagi kantin tu aku punya. aku akan amalkan sifat demokrasi dalam diri bagi aku mengambil alih takuk pemerintahan kat kantin tu. nampak cam senang je kan kerja kantin. tidak sama sekali. banyak benda nak disetelkan. aku kena tawan hati bebudak tu biar aku jadi ketua kat situ. siapa sangka pertumpahan darah x berlaku kat kantin ? ada tapi aku rasa korang x kan perasan. semua start esok. watchout !